Top 10 | Before & After 2018
Some days I love nothing more than gearing up and adventuring out to a photoshoot and others, I look forward to cosying up with a cup of tea while I edit, bringing those images to life.
Around this time last year, I began sharing some before and after post processing of some of my favourite photos. At the beginning of last year, I also took the first couple months off. I was working on my current website as well as photographing a lot of charity dog shows. I only managed to show three before and after images before Spring arrived and I was busy with sessions again! This year I've decided to make a little blog post. Just as I said last year, I LOVE seeing before and afters from other photographers. They're interesting and inspiring.
Editing is when I really feel my most creative. The results showcase me and my style, so I believe it's really important to always be working on your techniques as it's such a fundamental part of the process. I was struggling with this for a really long time and although I'm always going to be developing my style, I feel as though I had a bit of a breakthrough last year. I feel as though I'm now heading in the right direction as I continue to grow.
I'd like to share some of mine for anyone who enjoys before and afters as I do. They also show the amount of work that can go into creating an image. I take a lot of care when it comes to working on my images, whether they are for me or my clients. Although some images require more work than others. Some days have perfect conditions for shoots and they don't always need a lot of work. However, sometimes the light isn't quite right or there is something that needs fixing such as composition or maybe something distracting in the background or foreground.
I generally keep my photos fairly natural, I enhance what is already there. Part of the process is being able to see the potential of that image and where you want to go with it. Occasionally if it works for an image, I can take it a little further. It's only when you see the before, you realise how much has been altered! For this post, I have chosen some images that particularly needed a bit more work.
I'd also like to add how surprised I am that there is only one slightly wonky image out of all the ones I've chosen! I very often shoot at an angle and often have to remind myself to make sure I leave some space to allow me to straighten up my images! I know there are a few of you out there!
This was from one of my very first sessions in 2018. The bluebells looked amazing but it was quite overcast and we were in more darkness because if the trees. Luckily it was possible to be brightened up!
I was so excited when it snowed in March! This was my first time shooting in snow. I loved this photo of Bruno but the composition wasn't right. I had to cerntre Bruno and add some more ground under his feet.
This was actually the last shoot I did for 2018! This is my cousin's dog Flynn. I loved working with an urban setting. However, there are often unwanted features. I decided to get rid of the chain and post so it wasn't distracting from the docks in the background.
As you probably know already, this was definitely my top shoot of 2018. I loved the lavender and working with Misty and Beauty. Their session did need a lot of work though to express how beautiful the flowers were. This image in particualr wasn't one of the most worked on but it is a favourite.
Red & Pepper
My first Summer Mini Session of 2018, although sadly it wasn't so sunny! I was still really happy with the results. Often if shooting multiple dogs, I will photograph they sepertaily and edited into one of the images.
This was such a cute photo of Vinnie, I was able to get rid of his lead, centre him and clean up the background.
Vinnie's session was another favourite of the year, I worked with sunflowers for the first time. Unfortunately we were a bit late for them despite there being other fields of blooming sunflowers in the area. I prepared for this by photographing as many sunflowers as I could, in focus and out of focus and editing them in where I needed.
Charlie is one of my family's cats back in Mid Wales. I went to visit the family in October and we had a horrible week of rain, apart from one Sunday afternoon. Only recently I've looked back on my photos and edited a few more. This session is a good example of not needing too much work however, in this photo there was a single blade of grass going right through the middle of Charlie!
During Tilly's session I had to deal with some really harsh sunlight, but that isn't always a bad thing when shooting a black dog. It picked up her eyes and fur texture which can be difficult to see when taking snaps on your phone.
This image took me a couple of tries. Sometimes you aren't in the right frame of mind to be crceative. I took some time away from the image and visited it again at a later date. I found it a lot easier to create the final reslut I wanted.